
About the Studio

10.11 Concept Studio is dedicated to telling the strongest visual story through textiles and color to bring your brand to life, and connect to your target audience. We are passionate about pushing the boundaries, and not only creating beautiful artwork, but telling your brand’s story through print and color.


Behind the studio:

Leah VandenAkker is a design professional with over 10 years experience in creating and developing beautiful artwork for some of the largest fashion brands in the US. Her unique approach to design is always based around telling stories through artwork, and conveying the strongest and most relevant message to the end consumer through design.

Client Testimonals


“Leah does an excellent job curating color in relation to concept and fabric direction! Through her one on one Color & Concept Consulting she can provide you with trend driven creative tools that connect uniquely to your brands identity from color moods to color ways. She is an absolute pleasure and inspiration to work with so I guarantee an amazing experience working with 10.11 Concept Studio!”

- Nikki Jean Color Director at Urban Outfitters 



Work with us

Contact us today to schedule an appointment, start a custom project, or learn more about our studio!